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Are you looking for a house? We would like to discuss the options for your personal situation in an introductory interview to find your new ‘home’ soon. After our introduction, we will actively look for suitable housing based on your discussed wishes and needs. You will inform us if you are interested in a house. We plan a visit and join you for the best possible assistance. We also check whether the house meets certain conditions, such as inspecting the score, verifying the presence of an energy label and assessing the rental agreement. You can also expect the following:
We will give you information on renting property, explaining the rights and obligations you will have as a tenant. The taxes and charges that must be considered. The various types of possible rental agreements, and their backgrounds.
Are you registering as looking for accommodation? We will make sure you are the first to know about the available homes in Amsterdam. We would be happy to provide you with available homes for which you can apply. You can then request to visit a rental property in Amsterdam.
Register here to ensure you are always the first to be informed of the latest availability.
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